Crow and Diana

Crow and Diana
Timbered Lake


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Turtle Island
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"AS THE CROW FLIES" : Sustainability

     It is amazing that Mother Earth provided a sustainable environment for every creature everywhere, even the poles. No matter what the environment was, there was provision. Even medicines for diseases. The Garden of Eden was the Earth. Can we return to it?
Yes, I think so, but probably not in our lifetime and it may not even include mankind. However, I personally believe a remnant may remain considering several prophesies. But we have got to stop ramrodding our way across the Earth and rearranging everything for our own profit and convenience. We not only have no idea the havoc we wreak, but we have even less wisdom than we used to. Technology in our hands at present is about as wise as letting baby play with the hammer. We dig for gold at the expense of cures for diseases. We drill for oil at the expense of endangered species and habitat, clean water and a healthy oxygen supply. We finance our greed through terrorism.
     We have a long way to go before we slow down enough to catch up to life. It’s not just about oil and solar power and producing enough energy. It’s about consuming less and slowing down. It’s about giving, not taking. If we act as if we are the most important thing on this planet, we’ll eventually learn how hazardous that lie is and how much more productive we could have been had we tended our own garden instead of letting our ego run us past our guides.
     Didn’t we learn back in the 60’s and 70’s that money couldn’t buy happiness and that materialism was a hollow road that lead to loneliness?    ~ Crow

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