Crow and Diana

Crow and Diana
Timbered Lake


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Turtle Island
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Thursday, December 17, 2009

"AS THE CROW FLIES": True Equality

     We should be happy to be equal with every other living thing. The way of Nature is balance and equality. It is essential that everything balances out so that none is greater and none is lesser. It should be a comfort as humans to know that we are not lesser than the trees or the grass or the whale or the eagle or bear. We also are not greater than these. 
     The bear does not think of itself as greater than the human or less.  We should be so wise. We as humans should find that place in nature where we too are in balance with the rest of creation. Our attempts to control nature will only cause an imbalance that will lead to more controlling  and of course more imbalance. 
    Why wouldn't we be happy to be able to share as equally as everything else? Why add the extra burden of trying to be the the Creator when we already have one? Relax! Relax and share. 

                                 ~Crow Suncloud  12-17-09

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