I am profoundly moved after the culmination of this pow-wow season as it (sort of) ends at the sacred grounds of Mother Earth’s Creations in Ossipee, New Hampshire. It feels as if a new tribal movement has started. This one won’t be based on the governmental standards of blood quantum. This one isn’t going to rely on the government or politics. This movement is based on love and respect for each other and our Mother Earth. This movement is based on native spirituality in that it is Earth based. The native people gleaned ancient knowledge and wisdom by living close to the Earth and listening to Her rhythms, following dreams and creating a sanctuary of ceremonies and music.
Today, many first peoples are trying to preserve the old ways and this should be honored and adhered to but many more, unfortunately, are lost in modern culture and the dysfunction of substance abuse and sexual abuse. What I see happening now is native, non-native and mixed bloods alike are reaching to retrieve the visions. These are new and old visions but they are not the sole property of any one people. You cannot own visions any more than you can own the air. Visions are free to anyone who has a heart for creation. Any one who has a love for seed, a full heart because of a blue sky, a peace just to feel Mother Earth’s soft grass on their feet or awe in the wisdom of an eagle. The gifts of the Earth are for all. We don’t live in a blood quantum world. The politics of government lives there. We live in a world where everyone has a gift to give. Everyone. Gifts are received so that they can be given. Freely I have received, freely I give.
These new tribes could be scattered all over but we are a mobile people and we can work with it. Names, labels, hate and fear are illusions perpetrated by the separatists. Masks put on whole cultures in order to measure one against the other. Measurements based on race, height, age, wealth, gender or any surface stuff is a form of insanity. It is crazy making and pure nonsense. Bigotry needs to be buried in ceremony. The bear does not think of itself as better than anything else. It just thinks of itself as a bear. Think of yourself as you.
These tribes are being formed to help preserve what we have left in humanity and with our Mother. We will return to the Earth. We have to do so for our children and grandchildren. Return to a culture of sanctity, sanity, cooperation, caring, support and love. Aho.